Graced Beyond Telling, A Soul’s Dark Journey by Corrie van den Bosch


Published by Coventry Press, this book tells the story of Corrie’s growing up in life, in faith, and self-discovery. It is a story of finding inner peace, inner meaning, and inner acceptance of the person God intended her to be be.

It is about a growing awareness of God’s presence in her life, bringing wonder, trust and peace. A story of searching, occasional and deep confusion, times of abandonment, vulnerability and a growing sense of God’s Spirit at work in Corrie’s life and her ministry. It is an account of Corrie’s ‘yes’ to the presence and purposes of God in her life, purposes that shaped her world and life even before her life began. Ultimately, it is a story of grace at work in the ordinary everyday of Corrie’s life.


Published by Coventry Press, this book tells the story of Corrie’s growing up in life, in faith, and self-discovery. It is a story of finding inner peace, inner meaning, and inner acceptance of the person God intended her to be be.